About Sunwarrior
Sunwarrior is committed to making the best Plant-based proteins and superfood supplements. Our mission is to nourish & transform the planet, one individual at a time, by providing the highest quality, clean, affordable, plant-based nutrition, education, and science-backed bio-technologies. It drives everything we do from sourcing the finest organic ingredients across the globe to recycled and recyclable packaging. It's who we are.
We believe that plants provide the cleanest and most powerful foods, rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients. Our bodies crave real food, especially in this age where we heavily process everything we eat, stripping out all the benefits and nutrition well before we have a chance to use them.
It’s time to turn back to nature for what we’re missing, to the wonderful plants that capture solar energy in a near magical way and then offer it to us so freely.
Join Sunwarrior in our mission to renew ourselves, our minds, our bodies, and our world through plant-based nutrition. Together, we truly can transform the planet one warrior at a time.
Sunwarrior's Mission:
Guide Individuals on Their Path to Self-Actualization
Sunwarrior's Vision:
Nourish & Transform the Planet, One Individual at a Time, by Providing Education and the Highest Quality Plant-Based Nutrition.
Sunwarrior's Slogan:
Rays Your Vibe
Raise Your Vibe
Denley Fowlke, Sunwarrior Co-founder
Denley grew up working in his parents’ fruit stand. They had plenty of fresh produce to choose from, but as Denley explains it, his daily diet consisted of Twinkies, Coke, and a puff of smoke. By the time he reached his teens, Denley was not a well boy. He developed asthma and other lung issues and was constantly sick.
When Denley was 13, his mother read a book by Ann Wigmore which recommended wheatgrass juice for its amazing healing qualities. She started growing and juicing wheatgrass to help restore his health. Without her knowing, Denley had been smoking cigarettes from age 10. When he first started drinking wheatgrass, a feeling of wellness and euphoria came over him, which he had never felt before. It was then that Denley recognized that what he put in his body, made a difference in how he felt.
Denley finally quit smoking at age eighteen when was given 6 months to live by his doctor. That day, Denley smoked his last cigarette.
Denley started reading books on how to improve his health. After his daughters were diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, he resolved he would do whatever it takes to save their lives. He continued his journey seeking knowledge for his family and they became vegetarian when he was twenty-five.
As his journey progressed with books, personal experiences, and other key guides, Denley chose a vegan lifestyle and then went completely raw.
The co-founders’ paths connected them in 2007 and they met at the Raw Food Festival in Sedona, Arizona. Nick identified a need for vegetarians and vegans, especially those who wanted to gain or maintain muscle. There needed to be a clean burning, vegan protein powder with a complete amino acid profile, and, it had to taste good. Their ideas became a plan, and after multiple tests and persistence, Sunwarrior created its first raw, plant-based protein powder, with a mission to Nourish & Transform The Planet.